miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2009

Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.

Today...NO!!! TOMORROW I dare to win! YES!!
Well about the plateau stuff..I kept eating a little bit..I just gained 3 pounds
Tomorrow I start the water fast again..until the day before Xmas
And I want to be (AT LEAST) 115 or less..NO MORE THAN 115..HEEEEELLLL NO!
and I just have to lose 8 pounds in 7 days..and Oh yes I will (remember? 2 pounds/day? <-- I am still losing the same amount as I used to yay for me)
So it will be very easy I guess :]
wish me luck!!! (cause I need it) Nah I really don't ;)

She looks damn happy (I would too..If I had that body)
Thinspiration Pictures, Images and Photos

1 comentario:

  1. I'm with you. Above 115 lbs is torture. I'm gaining right now but I plan to eat as little as possible for as long as possible from now on. I want to be thin before the break is over and everyone sees me at school. I wish you luck though! <3
